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How Long Does It Take To Sell My House With An Agent Vs An Investor?

Sometimes you need to sell your house fast. Sometimes it doesn’t matter. If you find yourself pressed for time and wondering “how long does it take to sell my house with an agent vs an investor?” then this blog post will guide you through the answer…

You want to sell your house, and perhaps you need to sell in a hurry. Chances are, you arrived at this blog post because you’re hoping to find the best solution for you that sells your house as quickly as YOU want.

Before we get to the answer, it’s important to understand the difference between what an agent does and what an investor does:

When you sell your house with an agent, you are asking the agent to represent you in a sale and to try and find a buyer on your behalf. In other words, you’re selling THROUGH an agent to a buyer.

When you sell your house with an investor, you are actually working directly with the one who will be buying the house. In other words, you’re selling TO an investor (they are the buyer).

Now that you understand the difference, here’s how long it can take…

How Long Does It Take To Sell My House With An Agent Vs An Investor?

The Agent…

An agent needs to show your house to prospective buyers and try to convince them to buy. Therefore, they’ll want your house to be in pristine condition, and then they need to find as many prospective buyers as they can to show your house to.

Therefore, it can take weeks or months for you to fix up your house before an agent feels that it’s ready to list. And once the agent lists it, it can take months for the agent to find buyers to show your house to, and for one of those buyers to make an offer (on average, it can take 3-6 months… sometimes as long as 12 months for this to happen). And what people don’t realize is: if the buyer can’t get financing or gets cold feet in the deal then they can back out and you go through the process again.

Therefore, it can take months to sell your house through an agent – it all depends on how quickly you can get your house in “showroom condition” and how quickly they can find a buyer and whether the buyer goes through with the purchase.

How Long Does It Take To Sell My House With An Agent Vs An Investor?

The Investor…

How Long Does It Take To Sell My House to an investorThis part surprises most people: an investor can buy your house very fast – some investors can even buy in as little as 7-10 days if that’s what you want. That’s because the investor is the buyer (so no showings are necessary) and many investors (including us here at Drive By Home Buyers) buy houses in any condition so you don’t have to fix up the property either.

Moreover, dealing directly with an investor removes the middleman, allowing you to potentially save on commissions that would otherwise go to the real estate agent. This can result in a higher net gain from the sale. Furthermore, investors are often open to creative financing options, which could be helpful if you’re struggling with your mortgage payments or other financial concerns.

Investors also deal with the paperwork and bureaucracy related to the sale. This means you won’t have to navigate through the complex and time-consuming process of selling a home, which can be a huge relief. With investors, there’s also a lower risk of the sale falling through, as they don’t have to secure financing or meet certain criteria that a typical homebuyer might need to meet.

However, it’s worth noting that while selling to an investor can be faster and simpler, you may not get the highest possible price for your home as you would in a traditional real estate market, especially in a hot market. Investors are in the business to make a profit, so they need to buy below market value.

Lastly, if privacy matters to you, selling to an investor can be advantageous. There are no open houses or numerous showings to prospective buyers. Your home transaction remains a private matter between you and the investor. Thus, for speed, convenience, flexibility, and privacy, selling to an investor might be the right choice for you.

So, should you sell through an agent or sell to an investor? That’s up to you. An investor is faster so if speed is important to you then you may want to think about selling to an investor.

Want more information about selling?

Great! We’re here to help. Whether you need to sell fast or just want to understand the process a bit more, get in touch by calling 844-760-1311 or by clicking here and entering your information and we’ll gladly spend the time talking to you about the house-selling process for your situation.

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